Week 3 here we go.. Each week I have committed to sharing some of the products I eat on a regular basis, they will be products from both Canada and the U.S as I do cross the border into the States often and shop.. I am keeping it at 5 items each week as the numbers will add up quickly 😉

I don’t know about everyone else but I am a “snacker”, I love crunchy chip type snacks but we all know chips come with a lot of points! I will always have crackers in the house, they are a more point friendly alternative to chips and now they have several crackers that are very “chip” like.. For example these salt & vinegar potato thins, first off I LOVE salt & vinegar anything… and these crackers do not disappoint..


15 crackers-20g (pictured below) will cost your 3 smart points or 2 points plus, there is just under 6 servings in a bag, some nights if I have 6 PP left I’ll have half the bag, easily satisfies my “crunchy” attack.. They come in several different flavors, ketchup, BBQ, dill pickle and original.. I buy these in Canada at any of my local grocery store, I am unsure if they are in the U.S as I have never looked for them, maybe someone can let me know in the comments 🙂


The first thing I became know for was my chocolate drizzling technique, hence the blog name “drizzle me skinny” I love dark chocolate and I quickly learned that a little goes a long way…especially if you melt it.. I get asked a lot about my chocolate .. not just “how do you drizzle it” which you can watch this video I made along time ago if you’d like, but also what kind do I buy.. So here it is, Lindt 70% dark chocolate.


I buy it here in Canada, but I know they have it in the U.S, I have had a follower tell me that their nutritional info is different and based on 4 squares, not 3 and it alters the points. Based on my label 1 square is 3 smart points or 1 points plus, many times I will just use 1/2 a square, especially for my banana s’mores which I featured in last weeks product review for the marshmallow fluff.DSCN0614

These rice cake s’mores I made (pictured below) I only used 1/2 square. I melt it in a small bowl for 35 second intervals turning each time until melted, then drizzle with a small spoon. My crepes pictured below is using 1 full square.. What I love about using this chocolate and melting it is like I said, a little goes a long way, I get my chocolate fix but only use a few points to do so 🙂


I recently discovered Simple girl sauces and dressing, most of their products are 0 points with a few only being 1 point, I really like their sweet vinaigrette and citrus ginger dressings, although I am not much of a salad fan I will put it in my wrap instead of using a mayo or butter. My favorite product of theirs is the Carolina sauce, I like spicy but not too crazy and this sauce is the perfect balance, I have used it in homemade burgers and on my chicken that I barbecue, 2 Tbsp has only 5 calories and the best part, no artificial sweeteners 🙂 You can order their products online here


Back to my cracker addiction, I am always on the look out for new ones and recently came across these wheat thins toasted pita cracker. They are so yummy! I bought them here in Canada at my local grocery store, unsure if they are in the U.S but I would imagine so.


11 crackers is 3 smart points or 2 points plus.


If you have the pleasure of being near a Trader Joe’s then you will appreciate my next product, and I apologize if you are not near one, believe me I get how frustrating that can be, I remember seeing all these TJ food products blasting all over my Instagram feed and thinking “oh man, I really want to get my hands on that”! While I was already crossing the border often to stock up on goodies I could not get here in Canada, I had know idea that a Trader Joe’s was only another 25 minutes from where I was already going, so I made the trip out one day and now it has become a permanent stop when I cross over. Trader Joe’s is an independent grocery store and their products are awesome!  I have way too many favorites to choose from but my favorite cookie of theirs by far are these toasted coconut cookie thins.


They are perfect with a cup of tea 🙂 8 cookies is 6 smart points or 4 points plus, but I usually have 4 and it’s enough..


Hope you enjoyed this weeks features and maybe you might be adding a few things to your grocery list!

Be back next week with more…

About Drizzle Me Skinny

Kate founded DrizzleMeSkinny in 2014. Since then she has shared nearly 1000 weight watchers friendly recipes with DrizzleMeSkinny's over 500,000 social media followers.

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  1. Thank you so much for these product reviews. You have no idea how much I appreciate them and they help keep me on track.

  2. I just found the Lindt 70% on amazon…..it was available in a 60ct box, with each wrapped individually…which I’m hoping will help with portion control; and yes, as was mentioned, it is more points…looks like each package is 12 sp, but in the pic it shows 2 thin pieces in each little package…so not sure how to figure this out….is each piece 6sp? Any help would be appreciated!!