So you want to join in on the fun, but your living situation precludes you from owning a big or even medium-sized gas or charcoal grill. Don’t despair, fellow grill masters! We have the perfect solution for you. You can still join the multitudes of happy grillers with another option.
Electric Grills have been around for some time now, and many grilling enthusiasts are starting to take another look at these handy pieces of equipment and what they offer. Here’s a list of ten things to know about Electric Grills to help you decide whether or not to buy one.

1. Electric Grills Are Unique
Out of the four main types of grills (gas, charcoal, pellet, electric), electric grills are the most unique. First of all, they are the only type of grill that can be used safely indoors as well as outdoors, with some exceptions. They do not produce any smoke or fumes. They can be used anywhere there is an electrical outlet to plug it into. They can be used in otherwise barbecue-unfriendly places, like apartments, condos, and HOAs. They are generally more portable and can be used in places that lack a lot of extra space. And they are probably the easiest grill to use out of the four.
2. Where To Buy Weber Electric Grills
Weber is the granddaddy of all grill brands and manufacturers. In other words, they can be found and bought anywhere. Any of the big home improvement retailers, discount retailers, membership warehouse retailers, you name it. And of course they can be found on the internet. We recommend you pay a visit or two to Weber’s excellent website, where you can peruse all the different grills and grill-related merchandise they offer. Weber has several electric grills that will pique your interest.
3. Pros & Cons
Electric grills are like the runt of the litter or the red-headed stepchild of the grill family. Pardon our use of common vernacular. Some grillers will never approve of using electricity for grilling. These folks will never be convinced that electric grills belong in the same category as gas and charcoal grills. But just as there are those who prefer red hair on their objects of affection, some folks really appreciate what an electric grill can do and prefer electricity as a fuel.
Instead of picking sides in this ideological battle, we are going to simply give you the pros and cons of electric grills, and let you be the ultimate judge.
Affordability Electric grills are very affordable. The entire selection of Weber electric grills can be found for under $1,000, most for around $500 on their website.
Convenience You can light up an electric grill anywhere there is an electric outlet available. And you don’t have to worry about checking your propane supply or your stock of briquettes before a day behind the grill.
Indoor Use Some electric grills are safe for indoor use (maximum heat levels on indoor safe grills are generally lower than 400 degrees Fahrenheit). So, if you’re not in the mood to barbecue outside, due to inclement weather or you are just plain feeling like a hermit, you can stay inside and fire up the grill.
Cleaning Easier to clean than other types of grills. Since there is little or no smoke when cooking on an electric grill, there is no smoke residue that collects on the inside.
Constant Temperatures Temperature regulation is very easy with electric grills. Just set the temperature, and your grill will deliver constant, dependable heat to cook your food perfectly. If you like cooking more delicate fare on your grill, such as fish and vegetables, an electric grill will definitely fit the bill. You won’t have to worry about heat flare-ups which may overcook your food.
Quick There is very little waiting time when cooking with an electric grill. Just power it up, and you’re ready to go in about ten minutes or less. This convenience is one reason why many grill enthusiasts are switching over to electric.
Low Temperatures For many non-commercial electric grills, the maximum temperature tops out at about 400 degrees, which is much lower than gas or charcoal grills. This is what causes many grill snobs to turn down their noses at the idea of cooking with an electric grill. This low-temperature threshold will limit the types of dishes you can create with your electric grill.
Back-End Costs While electric grills are an affordable option for the aspiring chef, the back-end costs can be prohibitive. The cost of electricity can be very high in some areas, as rates fluctuate between municipalities. If you live in a remote area, your electric service might be very unreliable. Heaven forbid you get a lot of power outages where you live. Also, the cost of repairs and replacement of parts can offset some of the lower costs of the initial purchase.
No Flavor Probably the biggest con of owning an electric grill is that you are completely responsible for adding extra flavor to your food. Your electric grill is not going to help you with this. There are no fumes or smoke to enhance the flavors of whatever you’re cooking.
Small The cooking area of non-commercial electric grills is much smaller than most traditional grills offer. This makes a large portion of electric grills more suited for small, family get-togethers and typical weekend breakfasts. Remember, however, that grilling ninjas never let grill size deter their efforts at producing mouthwatering food anytime, anywhere!
4. Flavor
It’s true that there is no built-in flavor enhancer when you barbecue with an electric grill. No problem. You will just have to take the bull by the horns and create your own unique flavor enhancements. Remember, you are the grill master. Nothing can faze you. Be sure to plan ahead. Use rubs for your meats and marinate your food religiously. A creative chef can overcome the flavor shortcomings of any grill.
5. Weber Electric Grills Give You Lots Of Recipe Options!
One thing you’ll really enjoy about your new electric grill is that you’ll have almost infinite options about what to cook on it. Do you like grilled fish? Grilled vegetables? Are you a fan of grilling lean pieces of meat? Then you made the right choice. Electric grills give you more control of the cooking temperature, which means you can cook more delicate fare without worrying about flare-ups and temperature fluctuations. And if something does fall in between the cooking grates, the rescue operation is not as daunting as with a bigger, hotter type of grill.
Check out our grill-friendly recipes for ideas about what to grill on your next cookout.
6. Inside Or Out?
The thought of barbecuing anywhere you want to, inside or out, is probably the main selling point of electric grill ownership. But wait a minute, it’s not that simple. There’s always a catch! Some electric grills are not safe indoors. Many electric grills are unsafe for indoor use. You should always consider the manufacturer’s recommendations and read the owner’s manual before you use your electric grill.
Grills that are safe for indoor use are generally smaller in size, don’t have any smoking options, and have a maximum heat window of around 400 degrees. Anything hotter than that is probably better done outside in the yard or patio. Remember, safety should always come first when using a grill.
Outdoor electric grills, at least the top-of-the-line ones, can have smoking options for that traditional barbecue flavoring on your food. Some larger models offer a bigger cooking area, which makes electric grills a viable outdoor option. And of course, you should consider purchasing a stand for your outdoor electric grill, both for comfort and ease of use.
7. What Does Portable Mean?
Many electric grill models are advertised as being portable. What portable generally means in the electric grill world is that it is suitable for indoor use. Portable electric grills generally are not designed for camping or outdoor use away from civilization. Electric grills are designed for urban grill masters and the concrete streets of the metropolis. If you do decide to take it camping with you anyway, make sure you read the owner’s manual and take all necessary precautions.
8. Accessories, Weber Has Accessories!
Weber has fantastic options when it comes to accessories for your grill. The electric grill is no different than your other traditional grills in that accessories make it better! Check out the Weber website for their great selection of electric grills, as well as accessories to get the most out of your new electric grill.
These accessories are going to turn your Weber electric grill into a grill monster:
Grill Cover. Every grill needs a proper cover.
Grill Stand. Get your electric grill a stand and it will look and feel just like any regular grill!
Griddle Insert. Expand the culinary options on your electric grill by transforming it into a griddle. Now you can cook pancakes, eggs, and anything else you can think of.
9. Lumin Electric Grills. Weber’s Game Changer!
Weber’s new Lumin Electric Grills are a real game changer. Lumin Grills are designed to give electric grill users some of the advantages that gas and charcoal grills offer. First of all, it tops out at 600 degrees, which gives you a searing option for meats. But wait, there’s more! There are accessories that give Lumin owners the option to infuse a little smoke into their recipes. There is also a steam option available for your veggies. The Lumin Electric Grill might just change your views on electric grilling forever. Check out Weber’s new Lumin Grills here to see if Lumin is a good choice for your future cookouts.
10. Weber Grills Are Primo!
Weber is the master of all things related to grilling: past, present, future, and beyond! You will never go wrong choosing a Weber grill as your next new addition to the family. Your new electric grill awaits!